Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is Alopecia Areata

Hair loss is something that is really annoying, it could affect your appearance, people could think that you're not in good health. This loss is the cause of great concern to those who are affected, since the hair is the most important part of our "body image", this condition could cause psychologically traumatic. Fortunately, this disease doesn't has physical affect that can stop you from doing your daily activities. Now, what is hair loss has to do with alopecia areata ? Let's learn from the basic.

What is Alopecia Areata ?

If you know hair loss problems that few people suffer, than alopecia areata is one of hair loss types. Alopecia areata (AA) is common form of hair loss, unpredictable and unpainful. Usually people who suffer alopecia areata is losing their hair in small, round patches from areas of the body, usually the scalp. Some people even lose all their scalp hair or known as alopecia totalis. Almost 2% of population in the U.S. has alopecia areata, affects both female or male and in variety of ages. Most case is found in children or young people, the immune system, for unknown reason attacks the hair root and causes hair loss.

As start, in most cases, hair starting to fall in small amount, but only in round patches, usually the size of quarter. It will continue to few pathces or people call it spot baldness. In rare case, this condition can spread to entire scalp, 1 percent of the people can lose all of their body hair, including hair in hands, feet, even eyebrows, this is the type of alopecia universalis. Till this days, there is no cure for this disease, all we can do is trying to find available treatments to help the hair re-grow.

Who can get Alopecia Areata ?

Doesn't matter what your gender is, female or male, type of ethnic, alopecia areata could get to you unpredictable, but if there is someone in the family who happens has this disease, it could increasing the risk of having this disease also. The most common people who suffer are children and teenagers, but persons of all ages are also can be affected by alopecia areata.

How Alopecia Areata affect my life ?

This is a common question, particularly for children, teens, and young adults who are beginning to form lifelong goals and who may live with the effects of alopecia areata for many years. The comforting news is that alopecia areata is not a painful disease and does not make people feel sick physically. It is not contagious, and people who have the disease are generally healthy otherwise. It does not reduce life expectancy and it should not interfere with the ability to achieve such life goals as going to school, working, marrying, raising a family, playing sports, and exercising.

The emotional aspects of living with hair loss, however, can be challenging. Many people cope by learning as much as they can about the disease; speaking with others who are facing the same problem; and, if necessary, seeking counseling to help build a positive self-image.

Find more information :

Lauw Yenny is the owner of http://www.alopeciaareata.tuvie.comAnna Blog23479
Cathee Blog5545


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