Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Financing Your Next Purchase The Smart Way

If you ever decide that your monthly pay packet just isnt enough to fund your chosen lifestyle theres help on hand. There are literally hundreds of finance companies out there just waiting for you to pick up the phone and place your order. $500 or $100,000 how much would you like? Sure we can help you, just let us get our claws into any sort of asset you may have managed to acquire (in the days when you or your partner/parents used to save) and well give you the cash.

Why would anyone want to save for that new couch when you could have it today no deposit, interest free for 12 months? Tempting, very tempting and it could be in your lounge tomorrow. While youre at it why not take home a nice rug to keep the kids feet warm. This one here goes perfectly with your new couch. Once your finance application has been approved you can throw in the rug and just add it on to the balance. It couldnt be easier and it couldnt be more dangerous.

Sooner or later it all has to be paid for and thats not just the price of the couch but also the price of the money used to buy the couch all those months ago. By the time your lounge is starting to look a bit dated and faded and the cat has scratched the rug bare youre probably about halfway through your relentless, monthly payment schedule.

Its no wonder finance companies get a bad rap. We deliver the goods, whether its a new couch, new car or even a new house we guarantee immediate satisfaction. The problem is that as your satisfaction wanes our bill grows and one way or another, you will pay. So we start to control you and your life the one thing that New Zealanders value above all else, their freedom is eroded.

But hang on a minute here. If it werent for finance companies none of us would own the houses we live in, none of us would be able to invest and reap the rewards of interest income. The impetus behind economic growth comes from peoples ability to borrow, say, $5 for every $1 they own. Then you get any return on $5 rather than your measly $1. Borrowing money is smart if you do it right!

As long as you invest your borrowed money in something that earns more than your cost of borrowing it it makes sense. Buying appreciating assets, investment properties, upgrading property to sell on or funding income-producing businesses does make sense.

One of the most important things is to match your funding to your project. Keep the term of the loan the same as the term of the project. If you are borrowing to purchase a property, upgrade it and then sell it on structure the loan to match this. Keep control of your investments and dont let them control you. Make sure you use a finance company with integrity and a reputation for repeat business. Your finance company should be your partner, not your parasite.

Louise O'Brien works for Bridging Finance Group in Auckland New Zealand. You can visit their website here Blog75189
Allx Blog36175

Say Thank You Rich Jerk and Reap Honest Riches

When I first received Holly Manns Thank You Rich Jerk! (also called Honest Riches or Breakthrough Money Making Secrets Revealed), I was a little skeptical at what I was getting. Considering it costs 60% LESS than The Rich Jerk eBook, I was wondering if the amount of information it contained would be proportional to the price. I did find this to be true, but not in the way I imagined.

Thank You Rich Jerk starts off with a short introduction to how Holly started her online venture. This introduction is a testament to showing that willpower and positive state of mind can overcome difficult circumstances. Right off the bat, I was intrigued to how she got from where she was to where she is today. Also, at the bottom of the page was a link to a Live Journal site. Checking out the link, I found that Holly actually participates in the discussions. She provides regular feedback as well as tips on where to get more information or resources for online businesses. Im already impressed and I havent even gotten to the first chapter.

Here is a quick breakdown of the chapters in her book

Chapter 1 Affiliate Marketing
Chapter 2 Product Reviews
Chapter 3 Website Design
Chapter 4 Improving Website Content
Chapter 5 Pay Per Click (PPC)
Chapter 6 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Chapter 7 Improving Website Ranking
Chapter 8 Website Stats and Tracking
Chapter 9 Using Lists and Automation
Chapter 10 Advertising Your Website
Chapter 11 Press Releases
Chapter 12 Dropshipping and Wholesalers
Chapter 13 EBay Advertising

Compared to the Rich Jerk eBook, this book pays more attention to affiliate marketing, website design/content/stat tracking, and advertising. While it doesnt offer the variety of different methods to make money online, it does delve deeper into Affiliate Marketing and creating a web site of your own. There are good and bad points to this. The good is that you get a tremendous amount of in-depth information as well as helpful links and tips. The bad is that if you are looking for varied forms of income to make money online, this book focuses on fewer avenues while providing basic information and some helpful tips for other forms of online income.

That being said, this is an excellent book for people looking to get started in making money online. My advice after purchasing this book would be to proceed slowly chapter by chapter. Make sure you absorb what is being laid out. This book is not for people looking to read something in 5 minutes, implement it in 10, and then begin making money. This book is for people would want to build the foundation of an online business brick by brick.

As I said in The Rich Jerk review, this book WILL NOT make money for you with no effort. It will take some time to read through each chapter and then utilize the concepts that Holly discusses. I would list that as a very small drawback of this book. There is so much depth of information, that it might take a few readings of each chapter to fully absorb what is being discussed. That is not to say the concepts are difficult, but that the manner in which it is written allows (and even encourages this). Holly gently takes your hand and guides you down the path to building an online presence. Along the way, she stops to point out different helpful resources as well as to offer encouragement for those just starting out. At the end of the journey, youll feel confident that you too can make money online.

Id be remiss if I didnt mention the numerous free items that Holly provides for download in addition to the eBook. I counted no less that 5 different tools and informational packets that she provided IN ADDITION to the information and links contained in the No Thank You Rich Jerk eBook. As I stated in the opening, the amount of information is proportional to the cost, except in this case your $20 investment is rewarded with copious amount of useful information. This isnt a 54 page sales letter for more products. It is a reference tool, a bible of sorts for anyone wanting to start making money online. Its not a book you will read once and move to the dark recesses of your hard drive. Its one that will be used again and again as your business begins to mature.

Final Analysis: This is probably the best eBook for anyone starting out trying to make money online. Before you invest in compartmentalized books about AdSense or AdWords, or Pay-per-click advertising, I suggest going through Hollys book with a fine toothed comb and gleaning as much information out as possible. Put her information into practice and watch your business grow. In terms of bang for the buck, this is an exceptional deal. For $20, Im not sure there is a better investment one could make. As much as I liked The Rich Jerk eBook, Hollys is step above and costs less.

Rating 5 out of 5

Mark South writes online product reviews at Blog6630
Arlie Blog35222


You already know that it's important to exercise and keep in shape. You've seen it on the news, been pummeled by it through advertisements, and have likely discussed it with your doctor.

These days, finding the time and the energy to exercise is a workout in itself. From nine to five, your day planner is jammed with meetings and deadlines. Evenings are taken up with family and home commitments. It's certainly not easy, but it is essential that you find time to work out, even a few times a week. Aerobics are the perfect way to work out, when you just don't have the time to work out.

The popularity of aerobics exploded onto the scene in the 1980's, when leggy beauties jumped and jiggled to top twenty hits. Along with this type of "dancercise" came the unfortunate misconception that aerobics were geared exclusively to the buff and the bimbos. In reality, aerobics hold much more value for anyone seeking an effective workout. Aerobic exercise can be low in intensity, yet long in duration.

Walking, swimming, biking, jogging or taking part in an aerobics class are all great ways to get started. It's important that you begin your exercise regime with a low-intensity workout, and then increase the tempo throughout the following weeks. For instance, begin with a twenty-minute walk or job in week one. The following week, try incorporating a jog over some shallow hills to increase your fitness level. In the third week, increase the duration of your workout from twenty to thirty minutes, and go up to five times a week.

Aerobics are ideal exercise options for people who wish to lose weight. Despite advances in modern surgical procedures, equipment and drugs, a healthy diet combined with regular physical exercise is still the safest and most effective way to drop excess pounds and keep the weight off. Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintaining your good shape, aerobics can help you to realize your goal.

Aerobic exercise is also extremely beneficial to your circulatory and respiratory systems. It increases the circulation of oxygen in your body, allowing the heart to use the oxygen more efficiently. The body's muscular system also benefits from aerobic routines. When you exercise, the increased blood circulation and heart rate work together to enhance the muscles' ability to create energy. That's why a healthy workout can actually leave you feeling more energized, even after an exhausting day at work. Exercise also benefits your body by helping it to clean away toxins. Increased blood circulation helps organs like the liver and kidneys to eliminate the body's natural waste products. Aerobics are also good for toning muscle and increasing lean body mass, relaxing tired muscles, reducing stress and aiding in sleep. There are also important psychological benefits, including improved mood and reduced anxiety and depression.

When you have decided to make the commitment to losing fat and creating the body you want, aerobic exercise is a great place to start. Begin with walking, cycling or swimming, or enroll in an aerobics class. Choose a qualified instructor who will show you how to do the exercises, and help you to determine the degree of intensity that's best suited to your personal fitness level. Don't be shy about exercising in a group setting. You are welcome to work out at your own pace and if you become tired, you can simply march in place until you have regained your energy.

You have so many reasons to take on a healthy, active lifestyle. Aside from the obvious physical and psychological benefits, being fit will help you to be prepared to meet any of life's daily challenges. When your mind and body are healthy, you'll have the energy to meet deadlines, finished projects and succeed. Aerobics can help you become a stronger person in every way.

John Brown contributes to several web sites, including and http://rawboned.comBernita Blog69684
Astrix Blog9691

Dandelions Are An Herbal Plant And A Medicinal Plant Not Just A Weed

You can use dandelions as an herbal plant and a medicinal plant; it's no longer just a weed. You can use the dandelion roots to make tinctures or teas. The dandelion flower can be used to make dandelion wine and the leaves can be chopped and added to salads, soups or stews. The versatility of the dandelion herb is astounding.

Long ago physicians treated patients according to the Doctrine of the Signatures. They believed that herbs were signed by God to indicate their medicinal usage by color. Therefore, they treated jaundice with a dandelion tonic because of its yellow hue. In Victorian days cooks grew dandelions in their kitchen gardens for addition to their recipes and of course, to make dandelion wine.

The French call it the dent-de-lion or lion's tooth. They feel that the petals reminds them of lion's teeth. It has acquired many nick names along the years including, blow ball or puff ball, tell-the-time and clockflower. The puff ball moniker refers to days after the flowering, when a feather globe of seeds appears to be blown in the wind to a new destination. It is said that the dandelion can foretell the weather. If the day is to be fine the flower will open fully. If the flower ball remains tightly closed it is a sign of rain.

The dandelion grows across the United States and Canada. It has a long growing period that lasts from spring to fall. Early spring is the best time to harvest the green leaves before the dandelion flowers. Once the dandelion has flowered the leaves will be very bitter. The dandelion leaves have more iron that spinach and more carotene than carrots.

That common dandelion weed is packed with minerals such as calcium, magnesium phosphorous, iron, zinc and selenium. Added to that, it supplies vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E. Who knew?

The dandelion as an herbal plant has many uses. You can use the flowers to make dandelion wine. Just grind up one cup of the flowers into 4 cups of white wine, put in an air tight container and let it steep for 4 weeks. Of course, strain out the flowers before drinking. The leaves make a tea or can be used chopped in a salad, soups and stews. The roots can be made into a caffeine free coffee after roasting or dry them for tinctures. The entire dandelion can be used as an herbal plant or a medicinal plant. Just make sure to dig deep when harvesting the dandelion as it has a very long tap root.

Another useful way to use the dandelion herb is to juice a big bowl of it with of an apple. You will find it a very easy way to supplement your diet with the beneficial properties of the dandelion plant.

The dandelion as a medicinal plant can be used in a variety of ways. In the spring pick young leaves to be eaten in salads to take advantage of all those vitamins and minerals. Pick mature leaves, before the dandelion flowers, for their diuretic qualities to cleanse the bladder and urinary tract. The leaves made into teas will help ease water retention associated with PMS. The milky sap that oozes out of the stem is said to remove warts.

So the dandelion is no longer just a weed, it can be used as an herbal plant and a medicinal plant. Or view it as a fun memory of your childhood. How many of us can remember braiding "necklaces" out of dandelions as young children. Or, remember the delight of blowing on the puff ball to scatter its seeds. It is time to become reacquainted with the dandelion and all it is worth.

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at,, and April Blog29852
Alicia Blog34103

Sell Your Car Online: Step 2, Using Pictures of Your Automobile Correctly

Selling your car or truck online is a great way to put it in front of potential buyers. In step one of this series, titled "Sell Your Car Online: Step 1, Taking High Quality Pictures of Your Automobile", you learned how to take great quality pictures of our vehicle.

The second step in placing an ad is selecting the pictures of the vehicle you want to use in your listing. Remember the hypothetical situation from step 1? Using multiple pictures in your listing can give the potential buyer loads of information about your vehicle before the buyer even reads the first word about it.

You must choose the correct combination of pictures to display with your listing for maximum effect. If you followed the directions in step 1, you should have at least 15 to 20 pictures to choose from. Group the pictures into categories depending on the angle (for example: front, left, rear, right, front right, rear left, under the hood, interior, etc.). Then select the best picture from each category and discard the rest.

Now you should have a group of about 7 to 10 high quality pictures. Comb through these pictures and select the ones that, if displayed together, would show the most detail about your vehicle. The goal is not to overwhelm the potential buyer with tons of photos showing the same details, but to display great photos of different areas of the vehicle that convey the overall condition of the vehicle.

A great example of photos to use is: front driver's side, rear passenger's side, under the hood, interior, and any after market add-ons to the car. You should use at least 4 photos with each listing, but feel free to use more.

After you select the correct photos, you need to edit them. Most auto classified web sites have a maximum file size for photos you can upload with your listings. The highest quality settings for digital cameras can be anywhere from 1 MB to 5 MB per photo and greater depending on the camera. So what do you do if the photos you take exceed that size? You have to edit or resize them. But before you do that, you need to know how images are displayed on computer monitors as opposed to print.

High quality images displayed on the web are actually low quality when printed. Computer monitors display images at 72 DPI. A good quality printing will be 300 DPI or greater. A photo displayed on a monitor at 600 pixels (8.33 inches) wide will only be 2 inches wide if printed on paper. To get a good quality 8.33 inch print on paper, the photo will need to be at least 2500 pixels wide. This is a big difference in file size (and download time).

The optimal size for photos on the internet is approximately 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. If your camera can't take pictures this size, even in the lowest quality setting, you will have to manually resize them. To do this you need an image editing program. Most computers have at least a simple image editing program on them. If your computer doesn't have one, you'll need to download one from the internet. You can find free and low cost image editing programs by going to and searching for "image editing software."

However, you can skip the image editing step if you find a car classifieds site, like, that automatically resizes the photos upon upload so they are the optimal size for the internet. This could eliminate the need for you to manually resize your photos before upload.

Choose the right pictures for your classified ad and viewers will set up and take notice. Look for the next installment titled "Sell Your Car Online: Step 3, Using the Right Information to Help Sell Your Automobile." Happy selling.

Derrick Walker is founder of used car classifieds site. VIN Classifieds displays cars for sale by individuals and car dealers. Sell your car at Blog43895
Ashien Blog91311

Treadmill. The Right Sort Of Exercise Machine.

In this first of two articles that I have written I will explain why it is important to consider a number of essential facts prior to making a purchase of a treadmill as a piece of home exercise equipment. One of the biggest fears that many people have when thinking about buying a treadmill is whether they will actually use it. In fact you could say that this is the biggest fear any one will have when buying any sort of exercise or fitness equipment.

But as many know people know a treadmill is not only great for helping them to lose weight, get fit and burn off those extra calories. But this will only occur if it is used.

Certainly you will find that a treadmill is a very large investment for anybody to make and you must be certain that it is the right sort of exercise equipment for your particular needs.

But how do you tell if a treadmill is right for you, and whether it is suitable for the kind of exercise that you want to carry out and will fit in to the lifestyle that you lead.

However, if you are seriously thinking about purchasing a treadmill, then there are 3 things that should be considered to make sure that it is the right exercise equipment for you.

Firstly, do you prefer to exercise alone or with people? As using a treadmill is not a group activity and if you prefer to exercise with other people then a treadmill may not be the right machine for you. However, if you are finding that you are already getting most of exercise from social or sports groups then use of a treadmill can provide you with an additional exercise option. Do not buy a treadmill if you dont like exercising on your own.

But many people actually do prefer to exercise on their own, because its a way of getting away from the constant stresses and strains of every day life and this type of exercise equipment is ideal for this sort of person.

Secondly, do you like to exercise indoors or outdoors? If you are one of these people who prefers to take their exercise outdoors then may be better off taking up hiking (and enjoying the beauty of nature around you) or just rollerblading. Certainly a treadmill will not be the ideal exercise equipment for you, especially if you live somewhere where the weather is always kind, then you may not even need a treadmill (but if you want to exercise somewhere with air conditioning), then this may be your preferred option.

Unfortunately many people live where the climate changes and where it rains, snows or does both, then a treadmill would be ideal for maintaining a fitness regime during the long bleak winter months. Not only can it help fight against the winter weight gain that many people experience, but it will also help to keep those nasty winter blues at bay.

Thirdly, are you someone who enjoys either walking, jogging or running? If you have answered yes to this question then a treadmill may be the best piece of exercise equipment you could ever invest in. Not only is walking an exercise that everybody can do, it is simple and does not require any particular complex movements to carry it out. Also many people find that going for a walk not only a great form of exercise, but always a great way of dealing with any stress or problems that they are dealing with at the time. But above all any one can do it and it does not matter how fit you are it can be done by a beginner through to the elite athletes we see competing at the Olympics.

Some people find that they enjoy the rhythm and routine that jogging and running offer and certainly these types of exercise are one of the best all round ways of burning off that excess fat that they have. As with walking it is fairly simple to do and does not require the need for any complex co-ordination by the person doing it.

There are numerous benefits to taking up walking, jogging and running, but some people just do not like to carry out their exercise in this way. These kinds of people like a challenge such as those provided by box aerobics classes or by taking up some form of martial arts. If you do fall in this category of fitness fanatic then purchasing a treadmill is not an option as it will not meet your exercise requirements.

However, if you do like walking, but are still looking for a challenge or even a distraction then you may find that a treadmill can offer these to you. Not only are they growing more sophisticated as time passes, but many now come with built in work out programs, upper body work outs for the arms, a built in stereo system or somewhere where you can plug in your favourite CDs. There are even some treadmills which can be directly connected to your computer at home and offer you a site where you can download work out programs as well. You could even read a magazine (many come equipped with a magazine or book rack) or watch T.V. whilst you are doing it (how about buying a small T.V. mounted above your treadmill).

Certainly the 3 points above will hopefully help you to decide whether a treadmill is the right piece of exercise equipment for you to help improve your health.

In the next article I will explain why a treadmill is ideal for those people who lead busy lifes and have a lack of time to spend exercising and which should be considered prior to purchasing a treadmill.

Kerris Samson a work from home who has been looking at ways of staying fit over the years. If you would like to learn more about ways of keeping your body healthy then please visit Blog89703
Ailyn Blog9270

The Year 2037 and the Internet

A few days ago I was surfing the Internet doing some relevant research work for the newsletter. As I clicked through endless website pages that seemed alike, I had to constantly look up at the website address bar to make sure I was not stuck on the same site. Seeking relevant information to post-up for our subscribers, I felt somewhat bored and dissatisfied. Everything appeared and seemed the same. Nothing was new or exciting. At that point I glanced at my wall calendar and looked at the year, it read 2006.

The next day, I recalled my frustrated journey online involving searching for information. I realized that my psyche was not happy with the framework of the World Wide Web.

I sat at my desk and paused awhile, I allowed my mind to drift off thinking about super-nerds, geeks, computer techs, computer engineers, software designers, and the movers and shakers of the Internet world. What were they doing today?

The scene that came directly to my mind was a selective team of Hi-tech yuppies, maybe about twenty-five of them. They had just sat down at a round cherry inlaid conference table. The wooden table was huge, water glasses and a yellow pad of paper was at each seat.

The atmosphere was relaxed and causal. One interesting fact that stood out was the look on each of their faces. Their faces reflected their definite determination.

This was an arranged rendezvous of the Super-Masterminds of the World Wide Web. Their Agenda- Take it to the next level, It's time.

Finally a door opened, a young man about thirty two years old entered the meeting room. The man was well dressed in an expensive suit, and portraying a let's get it done attitude.

Everyone sitting at the wooden table began to pick up their pens and started writing something down on those yellow pads.

What were they writing down?

-The Year 2037-

In the year 2037 the World Wide Web has become a new favorable experience.

First, computers as we understood them are now called "C-Pods". A C-Pod does not even come close to resembling your old desktop monster.

C-Pods have a shape of being 1/4 inch thick, 8 inches wide, and 14 inches long. The top surface is somewhat transparent plastic material, supported by four 1/4 inch round titanium legs, being 3 inches long. The C-Pod looks like a coffee table for mice.

The plastic like top surface has been engineered to replace all the circuit boards, hard drives, memory chips, DVD players and power drives which we once became familiar with.

Inside the 1/4 inch thick plastic is where your computer now resides. Inside is the complex core of the system where the Meta Drives are stored.

A Meta Drive is a device that uses Meta Materials. Meta Materials are objects that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of.

The Meta drives work in conjunction with electromagnetic waves combined with photon crystals (a subatomic particle that is a quantum of electromagnetic energy, including light). The two systematically will be linked with each other and will substantially improve computing strength and stealth.

Data will be stored inside encrypted air packets and transmitted via electromagnetic wave beams.

Transmission of electronic data from one computer to another will be direct, no networking hubs to deal with. To make this materialize; beam steerers will be applied in an advanced system to utilize RF frequency modulation to deliver the data, no hard wires whatsoever. The Transmission rates of master data will become immediate and secure.

Hackers will be out of business. All datas transmitted will be stored in sealed encrypted air packets, and transmitted by electromagnetic waves, then trapped by end users. C-Pod encrypted receivers will only be authorized to acquire air packets at their authorized docker platforms.

Software will also advance to new levels. The new C-Pod technology has brought new challenges to Software masterminds. All data must travel at the speed of light and faster. Software will be stored in Nano chips and will utilize Meta material and advanced laser technology to travel from Meta drives to Pod Dockers. All software will be user encrypted to be only received and viewed by authorized receivers and Dockers. Software programs will be trimmed of all fat to deliver the ultimate performance and reliability.

Software programs will contain complete user friendly support. Concierge assistants will be an integral part of the Software Pod. There will be no need to source help from outside representatives because the software Pod Concierge will be present to directly answer all your how-to relevant inquiries, plus dutifully explain every significant function of the software to assure the end user renders the absolute best results from their software acquisition.

Software companies now will have to meet a rating level of 900 stars out of a possible 1000 stars to even be considered as a respectful representative of software. The competition will become intense amongst this field. Customer satisfaction will become the number one priority to stay afloat.

C-Pods will contain Docker home workstations. Dockers receive and transmit air packets of master data from server docker stations from through-out the world. All Dockers will store Meta materials and become proprietary to that system.

All C-Pods will give first class priority to interactivity by users. Interactivity will become instant, and will not breakup, or cause interruptions in transmissions.

Gaming, video, and data will all be viewed in a Helio format. Helio is the technology of projecting images within a column of air. Columns of air are projected 18 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Viewing resolutions will exceed 12,500 dots per inch. All presentations will be in full 3-D format. No head visors or glasses will be needed to experience breath taking programming.

Helio technology is now the ultimate experience. The Helio column of air will be suspended above your C-Pod 4 inches. No wires, plugs, or cables will be attached. Air packets will also be used to transmit electromagnetic waves from your C-Pod to the Helio receiver projector. These waves will also be encrypted with user identifications to secure the system from tampering or hacking.

Helio systems will additionally provide the system user a projected keyboard to any location within a 8 foot range from the C-Pod. The keyboard is also a projected light image in which colors, themes, lights, keypad style, location, and touch feel can be programmed to the users likings. Here again, the Helio keyboard projector will contain a docker which can be upgraded to add calculators, ultra sound wave players, and all your servant commands.

The servant command section of the keyboard is where you will launch, upgrade, change, delete, survey, and command your docker station, surfboards, fetch pads, and your concierge services.

All businesses will be using Helio 360 degree conference viewing theaters. Helio card readers can be transmitted to any worldwide C-Pod docker station. With encrypted authentication contained within air packets, stealth security is never a problem. Deals and formal contracts will instantly be closed with secured Helio touch pads using defense type coding systems.

Cobra air packets will have the highest secret coding system ever developed for civilian use. The Cobra air packet system will essentially combine with the Meta materials program. As we discussed earlier, Meta materials. (Meta Materials are entities that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of). If any of these assigned structures are tampered with or invaded without Cobra screening approvals, the invader of the air packet will be disclosed. Within a Nano second of the security violation, Cobra with send out an electro-magnetic defense wave, and immediately nullify the invaders C-Pod transmitter.

Surfboards will become an essential part of your Docker system. Surfboards will provide you with the means to browse the Internet. All Surfboards will store user ID cards containing encrypted data and user information. The ID cards are called PIC's (personal identity coders). This is the location that will store all pertinent data regarding the user and their preferences.

Fetch Pad Dockers, will become the cutting edge when it comes to searching for pertinent data. Fetch Pads are programmed by the user to retrieve the most relevant data available that best matches your request.

When programmed, the Fetch Pad searches all possible sources for the data available on the Internet that the user has requested. Fetch Pads will contain their own algorithm systems installed that can be programmed by the user. No second party interference, biases, or advertisements will be involved or allowed.

Concierge Dockers. This Docker will become your personal Internet servant. Your personal requests can be preloaded at your convenience and upgraded at any time.

Concierge Dockers will constantly be searching the Internet seeking all pertinent and relevant information that meets your desires and demands that you have submitted. The data that the docker had obtained during missions will be stored in libraries that are contained in your Meta drives for instant access.

The Concierge Docker also contains an invaluable program called the Mentor. Yes, this is your personal mentor that is built-in to your C-Pod. The Mentor, through an algorithm software program will be able to decipher all external data plus compare the demands and traits that are contained by the user.

The Mentor will guide, assist, educate, evaluate, decide, and conclude the best paths for you to take to accomplish your goals.

Similar to today's matchmaker website's, the Mentor will also use the most sophisticated programs to match one's intelligence level, desirability to succeed, persistence of user, and the current competitive environment surrounding the user final goal.

The Mentor with each Docker will also provide PAQ's (personal achievement qualifiers) to the individual user status and transmitting Docker. The PAQ's are the most important factor to one's credibility on the Internet.

PAQ's ratings are attached to every air packet of data that will be transmitted over the Internet. PAQ's will internally assign a star rating to each user. The highest rating will be 500 stars.

Rating stars will be determined by Universal Internet Laws. The criteria to determine your ratings will mainly consist of the user's credibility, performance to achievements, personal goals (business, pleasure, or education), and usage (public or private).

Contained within every Docker will also reside a Meta Materials Operations Manager (MOM).

MOM's will become the fiduciary task force that will govern all Internet operations.

All PAQ's will contain fully encrypted ratings, credentials, authenticity certificates, and user ID's. MOM's will screen PAQ's to select right of passage, and also provide proper directions to final C-Pod Dockers.

Webmaster will now become certified by the Universal Internet Commission. The Commission will educate and supervise all webmaster to properly construct website to accept C-Pod acceptance dockers and receivers. All webmasters will also receive ratings for their ability to properly manage their website according to Universal Internet Laws.

Website star ratings will consist of a 1000 star program, 1000 being the best rating. Here again, credibility will reign supreme.

Search engines and keywords will become a thing of the past. A web site's star rating will determine the best data available for the request by the user. Relevance will only be compared to the user's PIC's (personal identifier coder). Relevance will not have any reflections on keywords, for they have now become useless.

The credibility and reliability will be the main focus of each and every website, thus promoting their website's star ratings.

Websites will become respected as an authoritarian of information and data that will be supplied to the utmost quality. Relevance will also reside within every website and be constantly updated to serve demanding user cravings for cutting edge knowledge.

Visitors to each website will also be able to cast votes on the overall credibility and relevance of the site that have visited. These votes will become paramount. These votes will add credibility to the website's Star ratings.

The Universal Internet Commission (UIC) will not allow any website to transmit without acceptable Star rating certification. Start-up sites will have to participate in an apprentice type program, and will be rated either as commercial or professional use after certification.

The apprentice duration will allow upstart website's to accumulate stars in a given period of time set forth by the commission. If the upstart website can not reach a minimum rating of 400 stars, the site will be given two more chances to qualify. If the site fails to qualify after three attempts, the site can only receive a rating of personal usage, and will not be able to transmit commercial business data.

Personal use website's will have a much lower rating of only 100 stars. Qualifying will also be much easier. Personal website ratings will be limited to a non-business application. Data can be transferred and received, but not for the use of any type of business means.

Qualifying Commercial websites will receive UIC certification along with PAQ Dockers. These Dockers are encrypted to recieve all inbound PAQ's. Without a PAQ Docker, a website will not be able to receive any inbound air packets.

The Internet has now become the ultimate experience. The super-masterminds of the Internet world have pulled all the tricks out of their bags. They have provided us with the Roller coaster ride we have all been waiting for.

New developments in technology, credibility, and superior relevance to data have reached extreme levels of fulfillment for all.

These turns in events will become a new page in the history books of forward thinking. There will be new hero's to admire for their perseverance to foresee the future with their just get it done attitudes.

To close my journey to the year 2037, I've selected a new headline for my next newsletter; - Forget the new I-Pod with 200mb of storage, Just move your calendar to the year 2037 and log-on to the Ultimate Experience of the World Wide Web.

Roy King, is the editor for Ecom Newspaper which is dedicated to provide Ecommerce news, information, and articles of interest for home-based internet businesses. Tips, Tricks, Techniques, and Secrets are revealed by the guru's of the ecommerce world within our online newspaper. Stop by and visit us at: Have a Great E-Commerce Day.... Roy King Allison Blog68240
Aleece Blog25408

How To Save the Hopeless Conversation

Ever been talking with a woman, the conversation is rolling along, you are both laughing and enjoying yourselves and then out of nowhere, the conversation begins sinking faster than the Titanic!? It begins as a numb feeling in the pit of your stomach which works its way up your head. Everything you think to say seems wrong as self-doubt has now taken over. The conversation has taken a detour to the point of no return. You just blew your chances and are left wondering, what just happened?

This situation usually concludes with an awkward silence, and her unforgettable words well, I guess I better get back to my friends.

Truthfully, this disaster might not have been your fault. You might have been saying and doing all the right things. It could be that she suddenly: got tired, needed to go to the bathroom, remembered that she left the stove on, or that final ill-fated beer made it to her head hard to say my friend.

What we like to focus on is having a plan. We teach this in our programs and products. And when a guy has a plan, he then becomes responsible for driving the conversation towards the goal of getting a phone number, date, etc A plan is no guarantee for success, as anything can happen in the jungle of socializing. But at no point can you risk allowing the conversation to turn negative or boring. Be aware of when things start to turn sour and then get the interaction back on track FAST.

The basic idea is to stop the current thread of conversation and quickly say or do something which swiftly takes you to higher ground. Here are some examples, and these have been TESTED and definitely work:

1. Say out of nowhere: Oh! That reminds me of (recent movie) (anything)

Even if the topic at hand doesnt remind you of it doesnt matter, just lead into a different topic.

2. Make a general observation of your surroundings: Hey, this song reminds me of my old high school dances. Remember the funny outfits people used to wear?

Dont acknowledge the previous topic, but move the conversation quickly to something else where you are likely to share something in common.

3. My friend Neil likes to use: It just hit me, do you know who you look like?

What better topic to continue with than to talk about her.

4. Change locations: I love the view from the windows here ever seen it? You gotta see the rooftops in this neighborhood incredible.

Gesture for her to follow you, and lead her to the windows just be sure you know what you are talking about! This line wont work in the middle of the country.

Oh, and if you havent purchased my ebook How To Get A Girlfriend yet, what are you waiting for? It is the BEST source of practical, easy-to-learn information on dating and relationships currently on the market period. It comes with a 7-day free trial. Just click this link and be reading it in 5 minutes. Seriously you cant lose.

Ultimately, if you find yourself in the situation of the sinking conversation, you are now armed with three surefire ways to buy yourself more time. Remember these and use them. I assure you they have saved me many times in the past. Enjoy!

Stephen Nash of Cutting Edge Image Consulting (CEIC) is author of the book How to Get A Girlfriend: The Seven Essential Skills for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams and Natural Attraction, 7 CD Audio course on image enhancement and dating for men. Learn how to become a man that's magnetically attractive to women of exceptional quality and how to build positive and healthy relationships through charisma and self-image enhancement.Camila Blog11415
Alex Blog86187

Number Plates of the Rich and Famous

People of all ages and backgrounds are becoming aware of the joys and benefits of owing their own personalised number plate. However, private number plates have not always been so affordable and were once seen as a status symbol for the rich and famous. Here is a glance at some famous registrations over time and the proud owners of these number plates.

To start with we can look at our Royal Family, who are no strangers when it comes to personal number plates with some excellent examples owned in the family. Queen Elizabeth 2nd owns the registration A7, which is one of the most prestigious car registrations ever released, originally issued by London Council in 1903. A1 was the first registration number ever issued in London and was picked up by Earl Russell, who set up camp outside the registering offices in order to secure the ultimate number plate. Other Royal registration owners have included the late Queen Mother who owned NLT 2 and HRH Prince Philip who has OXR 1. Princess Margaret used to own the registration 3 GXM whilst YR 11 is the Duke of Kent's personal number plate. Last but not least is Princess Ann who once owned 1 ANN; however she gave it up for security reasons.

Another Royal number plate that has graced the number plate market was sold at a DVLA auction in 1993. K1 NGS was bought buy an anonymous bidder for the royal sum of 235 000. For over 13 years this held the title of the most expensive private number plate ever sold until it stripped of its title by 51 NGH (SINGH) for 254 000. Since then the record has been broken again and again.

The owner of Chelsea Football Club Roman Abramovich recently increased the spending at Stamford Bridge, only this time it was on his very own personalised number plate! It is reported that Mr Abramovich paid 285 000 for the registration VIP 1, which at the time equated to the most expensive personal number plate signing in the country! It was initially issued by the DVLNI (which is the Northern Ireland equivalent of the DVLA) for the forthcoming visit of Pope John Paul II. Since then it changed hands a few times before being signed up at Chelsea.

Currently the most expensive private number plate ever sold is the registration M1, bought for the eye popping sum of 331 000! This was the first car registration to be issued by Cheshire Council over 100 years ago. It was sold on behalf of the National Trust who acquired the registration when Tatton Park was donated to them in the 1960s. The money raised from the sale of the registration is being used by the National Trust for on going work and projects.

These registrations all have fantastic stories to go with them. Understandably there are many famous people who choose to keep their registrations a secret. Next time you are out on the roads why not see what number plates you come across, and who knows, you may even get a glimpse of your favourite celebrity!

Ross O'Donnell is company secretary of Cape Plates ( ) and has a passion for car registrations and dateless number plates. Cape Plates offer access to over 30 million car registrations via the website as well as a free valuation and selling service.Carena Blog49839
Anjanette Blog3849

Learn How To Make Solar Power Work for You

There has never been a better time than now to take advantage of the numerous benefits of solar power. Many states have made solar power affordable, cost effective, providing a 10% return on investment and in many cases solar power will pay for itself almost instantly.

The utilization of solar power has never offered more benefits than now. Not only can the installation of solar power pay for itself almost instantly, but given the current world political climate and the threat of terrorist actions to disrupt cheap oil supplies make it very prudent.

Many states offer a 10% return on investments to encourage its use. The simple fact is that installing a solar electric system in your home is now cost effective for the first time. And youll sleep better at night knowing that you have now become part of the energy solution as world oil supplies continue to dwindle.

In the state of California the cost of solar power in 1978 was well over $300 per watt. Today, with incentives offered by the state, that price has now dropped to less than $6 per watt- a staggering 98% reduction in cost of solar energy.

In addition to the reduction in cost of installing a solar power system, your homes value increases $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills- this according to the National Appraisal Institute.

Therefore, installing a solar power system in your home costing $16,000 would increase you homes value by $17,520. Thats a net gain of $1520 the day you install the system.

On April 25, 1950 Bell Laboratories introduced the first silicon solar cell. Bell called its invention The first successful device (solar cell) to convert useful amounts of the suns energy directly into electricity. The NY Times heralded it as The beginning of a New Era, leading eventually to the realization of one of mankinds most cherished dreams-The harnessing of the almost limitless energy of the sun for uses of civilization.

99% of the worlds energy comes from sunlight or solar energy. Everyday enough free sunlight energy falls on the Earth to supply our energy needs for 4-5 years at our present rate of consumption. At the equator, the Sun provides 1000 Watts per square meter on the Earths surface.

The amount of solar energy we take today in no way diminishes the amount we can take tomorrow or any time in the future.

Linda Allen has been environmentally conscious all her adult life. In addition she has been an advocate of healthy living for many years. She and her husband are currently designing a house that will be totally solar and wind power. She is the creator of where she offers expert advice and information on the latest solar advances, systems and residential installations.Arabele Blog67267
Annissa Blog86030

College Plans Begin For Many Students In Their Sophomore Year In The Dallas Schools

For many students in the Dallas schools, the start of their sophomore year means looking at their future plans. The Highland Park High School within the Dallas schools system, for example, began mandatory counseling sessions for all sophomores this year. Though only a few students within the Dallas schools are required to attend such guidance sessions, University High School in Irvine has had these mandatory sessions for nearly 30 years. Many school districts in California require college guidance counseling for high school sophomores, while some districts in Wisconsin require sessions during the freshmen year.

Today, college admissions are highly competitive. They look at everything from the applicants freshmen through senior years, believing that everything an applicant has become and has the potential to be is built upon their enculturation during these years. It is all foundational. With such fierce competition for college entrance, todays high school student cannot rely upon chance but must be prepared by the time they graduate from the Dallas schools. Students must have done things during high school one step better than the other college applicants, if they wish to be admitted.

Most guidance counselors agree that the sophomore year is the best time to begin planning for college. During the freshmen year, Dallas schools students are just getting acclimated to the high school environment. By the junior year, there is not enough time left to make any substantial changes. The sophomore year is the perfect time to discuss the students dreams and ambitions. This is the year for them to begin thinking about what they are going to do after high school.

The Dallas schools Highland Park High, the guidance counselors made the decision to hold the mandatory counseling sessions for sophomores, since this also is the year students decide whether to take Advanced Placement (AP) coursework that gives college credit upon completion.

The Dallas schools students construct and review their personal resumes and portfolios with their guidance counselors, as well as their four-year high school plans and coursework. They are counseled on what they need to do to show future admissions officials that they are serious about a college education and their futures. They discuss how to get an edge over their future competition by taking challenging courses both in high school and college and participating in community service, as well as activities that develop and showcase their leadership skills. The Dallas schools counselors also show students how to integrate their high school experience into their college plans, motivating them to boost their grade point average (GPA).

Though you may believe this would add undo pressure to students, many educators believe the mandatory sessions for the Dallas schools students actually decreases or even eliminates the pressure. Though they do not advocate college campus visitations during this timeframe, good preparation and a proper plan means these Dallas schools students are ready for college when the time comes. They have prepared the best way possible by doing things now that will only help them later, proving they are serious about their futures.

Patrica Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Houston Schools please visit Blog6630
Alica Blog14485

Choosing the Right Computer System for your Medical Practice

Most of the physicians I have met are just too afraid to change their existing computer or even to upgrade their existing medical billing software. Their staff is resistant to transition or even learning a new system!

Making a decision on what computer hardware to choose is very critical to your practice and for your compliancy. The good news is, computers nowadays are incredibly affordable! You can now get a complete desktop with monitor with as low as $450.00 Most of these computers are windows-based operating system. Your existing medical billing software will definitely be compatible on any of these Windows operating systems. Your medical billing software vendor might just run few updates and patches for full compatibility with your new computers or server or even on your old computers! The same thing if you are upgrading your billing software. The bottom line is, you are about to make a decision to make your practice productive, efficient and compliant with HIPAA rules and guidelines.

Let's start with, if you are a small practice with 2 computers and 1 printer. Well, having a dedicated server for your billing system is not yet a good option.

(1) Buying a computer running on Windows XP Professional is better than the one that runs on XP Home Edition. XP Professional is really intended for business purposes which runs database and other office applications software.

(2) Share your computer via a switch or a router by networking the two computers. Why share? sharing files and documents is very productive. In other words, you can access files from any of these computers.

(3) Share your printer, connect one printer locally and share it on the network.

If you are a bigger practice with more than 3 computers, 2 printers and at least 5-10 staff (including the providers). Then you are better off to go for a dedicated server or a stand-alone server. What does this mean? ofcourse, can you imagine at least 7 people simultaneously accessing the same medical billing software (setting up appointments, taking information for new patients, billers posting payments and the providers putting in notes on the patients), this will definitely slow down your network if you don't have a stand-alone server.

That server is best to run on Windows Server 2003 (Business Edition) or on Windows 2000 Server (Advance Edition). All these 3-8 computers will share resources by networking them using a switch (or a high-end hub). Printers will also be shared on the network, all users may print from any of the network printers from any of the computers.

Consider the following hardware specifications for your server and workstations:

(1) Processor (I prefer Intel-based processors)

(2) Memory (at least 512MB)

(3) Hard Disk Storage - Server (at least 250GB, this is just my suggestion!)

(4) Hard Disk Storage - Workstations ( at least 40GB)

(5) Tape Back Up (you have to have a daily back up of your files!, internal tape back up is more convenient than external back up drive)

(6) Network Interface Card

How about the warranty? most of the vendors sell warranty up to 3 years or even 5 years for parts and repairs. This will cost you another $150-$300 for warranty. I strongly encourage you to get that extended warranty because you never know.

There you go! I hope this article will help you choose the right computers and server for your practice.

Ms. Pinky Mcbanon is an experienced Medical Biller and Coder based in New York. A graduate of Bachelor Science in Computer Engineering. A Medical Practice Billing Consultant.Cassandry Blog91750
Antoinette Blog3184

IT Spending: Protecting Your Clients from PC Vendors

If you have been in the computer consulting business for a long time know that one of the most important services you can provide for your clients is advising them on choosing products. Your clients rely on your computer consulting firm to point them in the direction of technology solutions that are cost-effective and reliable. They also rely on you to help them avoid bad products and ineffective IT support services.

It Spending: Newer Does Not Mean Better

Just because a technology was just released does not mean it's a smart purchase for a business. If your clients buy PC's with processors that have just been released or new motherboards, graphics accelerators or chipsets they might get surprises in the future, since these products have often not been tested for the long run.

It Spending: You Are Responsible

Clients don't appreciate unreliable PCs and hardware, and many will hold you as the expert computer consultant responsible for any problems they encounter. And customers with a lot of hardware problems can be a threat to your firm. If you are incredibly careful about recommending new technologies with little information you will protect both your clients' budgets and yourself.

It Spending: Protect Your Clients From Risks Of Early Adoption

Because there is so much pressure for PC companies to create new technologies very quickly, many products are rushed to market before they are ready. In early 2001, the U.S. PC market decreased by 3.5 percent and marked the beginning of an industry contraction. Because the market is in such flux and so competitive, you owe it to customers to protect them from adopting technologies before they are perfected.

It Spending: Product Development Takes Time

For the past ten years, PC owners and small businesses have had to think about IT spending in the context of hardware device driver software and firmware that are continuously updated and reconfigured.

The problem with these advancements is that clients have to suffer with unreliable hardware products while they are being perfected because most PC companies make them part of the testing process instead of giving them finished products. Because it is your job to help clients figure out their IT spending, you want to protect them from being an expensive science experiment.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg of Computer Consulting 101 helps computer consultants get more steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for free access Joshua's field-tested, proven Computer Consulting 101 strategies at http://ComputerConsulting101.blogspot.comAllsun Blog92753
Catriona Blog12718

Buying Guide for MMORPG Currency

Like many online game players, you probably spend countless hours (or days) farming/grinding in the game only to find out by the end of the night you havent accomplished much and your character is still in need of upgrades. This process can be very time consuming and not to mention extremely frustrating. Ideally, nobody likes to farm since it takes off a large portion of the time that could be well spent focusing on the gameplay. If youre looking to seek an alternate solution to farming by purchasing in-game commodities directly from online retailers, here are some tips on how to make your next purchase.

The secondary market for multiplayer online games is a huge online marketplace and new companies are being formed virtually every week. Customers are given the option to choose between hundreds of different companies. What most people dont realize is the difference between these companies. During the next paragraph, I will outline for you the most important aspects in purchasing online game commodities to save you the potential hassle many customers experience.

As I said earlier, there are hundreds of different secondary market businesses around the world. Some of these companies reside in the other countries where communication is in my opinion, for the lack of better. You might have visited a website with grammatical mistakes and have had trouble interpreting its meaning. Although communication plays a big factor in business to customer relations, I am not in any way recommending anyone to stray away from these websites. Most of these places offer satisfactory service and translation is comprehendible, it ultimately depends on the customers choice. When youre looking for a place to purchase MMORPG currency, here are some advice to make your next shopping experience a little easier to decide.

1. Price vs. Time Although price differences play a big part in deciding who to buy from, please remember is the bang worth the buck? Make sure the service provided is worth the price. (eg: paying $30 dollars for 10 gold plats which took 1 hour to receive or paying $32 dollars for the same amount which took 20 minutes)

2. Customer Support This is by far the most important role in every business. Make sure the customer support level meet your expectations. If you cannot receive adequate support with open issues, then that should give you an overall understanding on the companys reputation. If you cannot find the means to contact the company for support, then I highly recommend everyone to stray away from these websites.

3. Comprehensibility If you visit an international website with grammatical mistakes or have trouble understanding its translation, then chances are that it will be the same with customer support. Ask yourself if youre willing to encounter potential language barriers.

4. Guarantees For companies which offers a type of guarantee on its service, please make sure this commitment is met. After all, you dont want someone who cant play his/her own ball game.

5. Policies Its a good idea to review over the companys policies. I know many people dislike having to read through paragraphs of garble but reading it might save you headaches in the future. (eg: refund policies; incase anything goes wrong and you want your money back)

6. Misc. Features Features such as a feedback/review systems (eg: Bizrate) gives customers a good understanding on the satisfactory level rated by customers who purchased from them in the past. Due to the high demands for in-game assets and the speed at which orders are processed and delivered, features such as Order Tracking are also recommended but not required.

If you apply everyday knowledge of safe shopping along with the advice provided in this article, then the next purchase you make sure be much easier and safer. Please note however, you shouldnt purely judge the reputation of a business solely on a first time experience. As you can understand, it takes an overall experience and knowledge to truly find a company whom you can trust.

Henry Kong is the marketing and research manager for MMOFactory Inc., a secondary market company for multiplayer online games focused on providing players alternate means of enhancing their gameplay.Aliza Blog30325
Casie Blog49832

What is Alopecia Areata

Hair loss is something that is really annoying, it could affect your appearance, people could think that you're not in good health. This loss is the cause of great concern to those who are affected, since the hair is the most important part of our "body image", this condition could cause psychologically traumatic. Fortunately, this disease doesn't has physical affect that can stop you from doing your daily activities. Now, what is hair loss has to do with alopecia areata ? Let's learn from the basic.

What is Alopecia Areata ?

If you know hair loss problems that few people suffer, than alopecia areata is one of hair loss types. Alopecia areata (AA) is common form of hair loss, unpredictable and unpainful. Usually people who suffer alopecia areata is losing their hair in small, round patches from areas of the body, usually the scalp. Some people even lose all their scalp hair or known as alopecia totalis. Almost 2% of population in the U.S. has alopecia areata, affects both female or male and in variety of ages. Most case is found in children or young people, the immune system, for unknown reason attacks the hair root and causes hair loss.

As start, in most cases, hair starting to fall in small amount, but only in round patches, usually the size of quarter. It will continue to few pathces or people call it spot baldness. In rare case, this condition can spread to entire scalp, 1 percent of the people can lose all of their body hair, including hair in hands, feet, even eyebrows, this is the type of alopecia universalis. Till this days, there is no cure for this disease, all we can do is trying to find available treatments to help the hair re-grow.

Who can get Alopecia Areata ?

Doesn't matter what your gender is, female or male, type of ethnic, alopecia areata could get to you unpredictable, but if there is someone in the family who happens has this disease, it could increasing the risk of having this disease also. The most common people who suffer are children and teenagers, but persons of all ages are also can be affected by alopecia areata.

How Alopecia Areata affect my life ?

This is a common question, particularly for children, teens, and young adults who are beginning to form lifelong goals and who may live with the effects of alopecia areata for many years. The comforting news is that alopecia areata is not a painful disease and does not make people feel sick physically. It is not contagious, and people who have the disease are generally healthy otherwise. It does not reduce life expectancy and it should not interfere with the ability to achieve such life goals as going to school, working, marrying, raising a family, playing sports, and exercising.

The emotional aspects of living with hair loss, however, can be challenging. Many people cope by learning as much as they can about the disease; speaking with others who are facing the same problem; and, if necessary, seeking counseling to help build a positive self-image.

Find more information :

Lauw Yenny is the owner of http://www.alopeciaareata.tuvie.comAnna Blog23479
Cathee Blog5545

Choosing The Right Pool For You

When considering building a new swimming pool, there is no shortage of options. You can spend over $50,000 building your perfect backyard retreat, or $2,000 on an above ground eyesore. The important thing is to pick a pool that that is within your budget at the time you build it, and has maintenance costs that are similarly within your budget.

Types of pools

Above ground Above ground pools are popular because of the greatly reduced costs, but are generally not very durable and can spontaneously bust, flooding your backyard with hundreds of gallons of chlorinated water. They are also generally not very attractive. On the plus side, it is harder for small children to fall into the pool as they are generally at last 3-4 feet above the ground.

Best for- low budget installations

Vinyl Pools Inground Vinyl pools are definitely more attractive than above ground pools, but are more expensive. They are numerous liner patterns and colors, which can add a more customized look to your pool. This type of pool is traditionally rectangular, but other shapes are possible. Significant excavation is usually required, and the ground under the pool liner is generally lined with sand so the pool liner has a smooth surface on which to rest. Vinyl-specific coping (the edge of the pool) and decking (the deck area that surrounds the pool are used. All openings are sealed to prevent leakage and the area surrounding the pool is prepared to support the pool. Vinyl pools typically do not last as long as concrete pools and have greater maintenance costs, but are a good choice for people who are concerned with upfront costs

Best for- reasonably aesthetically pleasing installations where upfront cost is a big concern

Concrete pools (Gunnite and Shotcrete)- The best, most beautiful pools are made with sprayed concrete. One of the materials used is Shotcrete. Shotcrete is concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto the pool surface. The other commonly used material is Gunnite. Gunnite is a dry cement mixture blown through a hose to the nozzle, where the water is injected immediately prior to application. Shotcrete is a wet-mix process, where as Gunnite is a dry mix process. From a homeowners perspective, either material is probably fine, though the pool building company you use will probably have a preferred material.

Concrete pools can be customized to exactly what you want. Waterfalls, natural looking rock, and other features are possible with concrete pools. Gunnite and Shotcrete pools are finished with pool plaster, which is available in a variety of colors. Diamondbrite and Pebble Tec are the two most common pool plastering materials in use, and come in dozens of possible finishes. Concrete pools are infinitely customizable and the most durable building method.

Best for- aesthetically pleasing installations where long term maintenance of the pool is a concern. Most customizable after installation (If you want to add features or change colors later).

Tracy Avalos is a partner with Bella Pool Plastering and Renovations in Oklahoma. She can be reached at: Blog69684
Bebe Blog75406

Great Gourmet Food Gift Ideas

The best gift ideas don't always have to be expensive items like electronics or jewelry. Some of the best gift ideas are gifts that, if they are good, won't last very long at all! Here are some excellent gourmet gift ideas that are sure to please even the most choosy people on your gift giving list.

Boxed Chocolates - Whether from the high end chocolatiers or from the chocolate shop in your local mall, chocolates are always a thoughtful, special occasion gift for any adult. After all, who doesn't love chocolate? You can even find boxed chocolates available in many types, including organic and sugar free.

Gourmet Popcorn - There are so many flavors of gourmet popcorn available, from caramel to cheese flavor, to popcorn drizzled with chocolate and embedded with fancy nuts, popcorn is a food that pleases everyone.

Gourmet Apples - Usually using large, juicy and exquisitely fresh Granny Smith apples, gourmet apples can be found encased in milk, dark, white or flavored chocolate, caramel, roasted nuts and candies with beautiful bows and colored wrapping. Just 1 gourmet apple can serve 4-6 people, so it makes a great gift for a family or someone who entertains for the holidays.

Gourmet Pretzels - These fresh, usually salted pretzels are drenched in chocolate and decorated with sprinkles, nuts, candies and often, more chocolate drizzling. Gourmet pretzels make a terrific gift for someone who likes regular pretzels but also craves something different. The salt from the pretzels makes for a nice contrast in flavor to the rich and sweet chocolate coating. You can find gourmet pretzels in rods or traditional pretzel shapes.

Fine Cheese - Cheeses are a more practical gift since cheese can be stored away for use later on in the year. Cheese is a great gift for people who enjoy fine wine and like to picnic. Don't forget to give them a cheese slicer too!

Wine & Beer - Good wine is a surefire gift for any host, hostess or wine connoisseur. However, choosing good wine can be difficult, as more expensive doesn't always mean more quality. Make sure to go to a local store that specializes in wines and that has an expert available so you can ask questions about picking a good wine. There are also many good online stores that specialize in wine.

Fruit - Fruit is a wonderful holiday gift for people in areas where Winter is in full force and the supply of different fresh fruits is limited. Fruit is also a good gift for the health conscious.

Dried Fruits & Nuts - Dried fruits and nuts are a more traditional gift idea. A great gift for the health conscious and for people who don't like fatty foods or candy.

Cheesecake - Cheesecake and other cakes haven't been as popular for gift giving until recently. With the explosion of e-commerce, freshly made specialty cakes, cheesecakes and pastries are widely available and can be mailed virtually anywhere. Cheesecake is another wonderful gift for the hostess or for someone who just loves cheesecake. Available in many different flavors, with fruit swirled in, cookie and crumb crusts or just plain and creamy like original New York cheesecake, cheesecake is a gift that won't last long in any house.

Coffee & Tea - Whether you have a caffeine fiend on your list or just someone who enjoys the taste of coffee or tea, there is a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea available to give as gifts. There are hundreds of different flavors of teas, fruity, herbal, green, medicinal and more. While coffee flavors can come from exotic countries and be flavored with just about anything, including chocolate, nuts, spices and vanilla. Coffee is also a practical gift since it's so popular and many people drink it every single morning.

Gift Baskets - Pre-made gourmet food gift baskets are always an option, especially when pressed for time. You can find gift baskets filled with wine and cheese, with chocolates, coffees and teas, candies or any or all of the above.

Whether you choose luxuriously rich chocolate, fine imported cheese or a handmade sweet treat, whoever is given a gourmet food gift is sure to appreciate it.

Charley Lawrence writes for Richland Gourmet Apples, where you can order delicious gourmet treats, including gourmet apples and pretzels drenched in chocolate, nuts and caramel, delivered to your home or a gift recipient. Visit us at: Blog83332
Barbabra Blog29307

Growing Opportunities For North America

There is an ugly trend taking place all across North America these days. That trend is lack of financial security for many hard working people. The corporate world, also kindly referred to as "Corporate America" no longer has the loyalty to it's employees as days gone by. More and more you hear of major corporations closing their doors and as a result more and more hard working people are left wondering what they can do.

So what are some options that will allow people to take control of their lives, their finances and their future? There is always the lottery, but considering one in every few million people win the lottery it isn't the most optimistic option.

A real, simple option for many people across the United States, Canada and globally is Network Marketing. Now, before you close your mind to this option consider the facts from research which was done over four years ago.

- In 2002, more than $28 Billion dollars was made through Network Marketing in the United States alone.

- Network Marketing industry has created more millionaires than any other industry around.

- Many of the mainstream products and stores you see today in retail shopping malls around the country were started because Network Marketing companies introduced the products to the mainstream. - Many fortune 500 companies have created Network Marketing divisions in their business to assist in distribution of the products.

- Although Network Marketing is a massive industry in North America, it pales in comparison to what it is like Internationally where opportunities are not as easy to come by.

- It may be the only business model where a normal everyday person can acheive amzing financial results.

Why Network Marketing? Many successful Network Marketing companies take the guess work out of starting a business for you. They provide the products, training, system, marketing tools and resources, and they are incredibly affordable considering the return on the investment possibilities. The requirement from you, is that you put forth the effort to succeed.

Why do people turn their backs to a business model that is proven to work? Failure- almost everyone knows someone who "tried one of those things" and failed. What those people don't realize is that their failure was a choice. A person who tries something for a couple of weeks was destined to fail before they even got started. Any network marketing company is a business and deserves to be treated as a business. If it is treated as a hobby the results you see financially will resemble what happens with a hobby. Hobbies cost money, businesses make money.

One important aspect to look into is the companies longevity. Literally thousands of network marketing companies are started every year. Most of them never make it past the first year of business. So, be on the lookout for a company that has been around for at least five years. If they have made it that long, you know they are in for the long haul. By that time most companies have proven they work, because if they don't work they wouldn't have made it that long. They've also had plenty of time to prove that they are a legitimate business. Government officials do not allow companies to survive if they are not legitimate, five years of business gives the government ample time to do their research.

Although the term Network Marketing may carry with it a bad reputation, it is wise to begin opening your eyes to the possibility. Job security, great retirement plans, benefits are all a thing of the past. In today's society you are responsible for your future, not your employer. Make a conscious decision to secure the kind of life you deserve.

Copyright (c) 2006 Eric Seidelman

Eric Seidelman is a successful home business entrepreneur. For more than 2 years he has successfully assisted countless people to start their own home business and take control of their lives. Visit: for more information about how Eric Seidelman can assist you.Arleyne Blog81090
Agata Blog69806

Cruise Tips To Maximize Your Cruise Vacation

You are getting ready for your much anticipated cruise vacation. The best way to maximize your cruise travel is to have some of these cruise tips about the little things you should know. Many cruisers have questions about phoning home, seasickness, laundry facilities, and photography while on their cruise vacation. These are not big items that should concern you during your cruise travel but helpful hints nonetheless.

Phoning home always gives one peace of mind when they are on vacation. It is natural to want to check on your children, or check into the office, just remember that ship to shore phone costs can be very hefty. They can cost up to $15 minute, so I if you must, keep it brief. You can use your cell phone but be aware that in some areas roaming charges will apply. Your cell phone will not work in Europe unless you have universal service.

It is very important that you leave the information on how to contact you at home in case of an emergency. When you receive your cruise packet there will be contact information included. Make sure you leave the name of the ship, the cruise line you are traveling with, and the itinerary that you plan to follow. Make it very clear that it is for emergencies only.

There is a way to get around this expense and that is to buy a phone card and call home from your ports of call. The connection will be far greater and your savings too. Be aware that this is where the crew members make their calls home so you may want to venture further from the dock to find a not so busy public phone.

All of the modern ships are wired for the internet so you can stay in touch with email. This is a much easier and cheaper way to but your mind at ease. On some ships if you are a frequent cruiser the internet time is free. If you are not, connections can run from fifty cents to a dollar a minute. Just keep in mind that they are not high speed hook ups so they will be slow. Compose offline and then send your message. Some ships will offer you package deals to save a little money. Here again, if you can wait until you get to port, internet cafes ashore are relatively inexpensive.

Seasickness is almost a moot point on today's cruise ships. They are so large that you don't even know you are moving unless you look out the window or you are up on deck. With today's technology for weather tracking the cruise lines know in advance if any storms are approaching and therefore can avoid the area. Earlier cruise ships had stabilizers but nothing compared fo today's technology which enables them to counter act any motion the sea has to offer.

If that doesn't calm your fears about seasickness and cruise travel there are a number of ways to ensure a very comfortable cruise. Take a cruise vacation in an area of the world that has calm waters on a modern ship with the aforementioned stabilizers. It is best to book a cabin in the middle of the ship on one of the lower levels. If just looking at a horizon that is moving sends you into a tizzy, book an inside cabin. A little known cruise tip is to arrange your beds in alignment with the ship, bow to stern. Rocking is always easier to handle than a rolling motion. Once, you've got yourself situated on board go up on deck and stare at a fixed position on the horizon to get your body use to the motion.

Your doctor may have some medication you can take, or try the acupuncture bracelets that go around your wrists. If you do feel queasy eat crackers and green apples to settle your stomach. Ginger capsules have been said to work wonders and are available in your health food store. By all means avoid any alcoholic beverages which will only make your symptoms worse.

On board laundry services are very expensive. Book a ship that has an onboard laundry room for passengers so you can do your own. These laundry rooms will be equipped with an iron and an ironing board. An alternative is to pack a small bottle of laundry liquid and a few clothes pins in you luggage, hand wash them in your stateroom and hang them from the shower line provided.

Photography is always a big question. Should you bring a camera or rely on the ships photographer? The answer is to bring your own. If you don't want to worry about your expensive digital camera, buy a lot of the throw away types. Pick up a few waterproof ones too for when you take you snorkel adventure. Take twice as many as you think you need. If you don't use them on this cruise vacation you can always use them at the next holiday or birthday celebration.

You could also opt to pick up a cheap digital. You can buy them for about $20.00 and you won't have to worry about losing it since your expensive one is at home. These are usually smaller than the pricey ones so they are easier to carry around.

On formal nights you will want to get your picture taken by the ships photographer. These pictures are wonderful memories of your cruise but they are expensive. The ships photographer will take pictures of you all through the cruise. Getting on and off the ship, on deck, in the dining room at your table and when you enter the dining room on some nights. Although these pictures are fun, you are not obligated to buy them. If you are on a cruise vacation for a special occasion like a honeymoon or an anniversary, splurge and buy them, they will be more than just memories.

These are just a few cruise tips for the little things you should know about cruise travel. Having this knowledge before your cruise vacation will help you on the way to clear sailing.

Happy Cruising!

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: and Blog9682
Adriaens Blog12371

How to Make a Fortune in the Internet Marketing "Gold Mine"

It is a well known fact that in the gold rush days of the Old West, most of the fortunes were made not by the gold miners themselves, but by the people and companies that supplied the tools and equipment the gold miners needed. Some, such as Levi Strauss and John Mohler Studebaker, became household names. The tools of the time included pick axes, wheel barrows and clothing.

Knowing this, and hoping to find my own fortune, I went in search of the "gold miners" of today. I looked high and low, read everything I could get my hands on, and finally, it came to me! Every day thousands and thousands of individuals go in search of their fortunes on the internet marketiing "gold mine." Then, I asked myself, "What are the tools today's gold miners need?" I came up with 5 key tools that everyone who is marketing on the internet needs.

First, they need a domain name. A domain is where you live on the internet. It is your address on the internet. It looks something like This is a unique name that belongs only to you. It is as unique as your home address, phone number, or Social Security number are. No one else has this domain name, except you. All of your webpages with associated graphics and documents are placed on your domain, so people can visit your website.

Secondly, they need a web hosting account. The internet works through servers - computers that are always online for the world to access. Your personal computer can access the internet, but the internet (generally) cannot access your computer. In order to make your website available to the world, you must first upload your domain to a host, or "webspace". Web hosts provide space on their servers so you can upload your webpages, graphics, audio, video, and text documents to your domain, enabling other people to access them via the internet.

The third tool they will need is an autoresponder. An autoresponder will automatically send a series of emails to potential customers who have signed up to receive them on a form on your website. Only a small percentage of visitors to your site will join on the first contact. Studies have shown time after time, people will still be signing up after 7 or more contacts. If you advertise only your affiliate link, you are losing out on a lot of potential money. Most prospect(or)s don't buy on their first visit, but they might submit their names and email addresses to get free information. With a good follow up system, you can convert several times more prospects into customers than one time visitors.

The next thing all modern gold miners will need is traffic. In order to get traffic, they will need to advertise. Without a way to get visitors to your site, no matter how good the site is, it would be worthless. No visitors, means no sales. There are numerous methods of advertising on the internet. We'll explore some of the paid methods here. There is pay-per-click. This means that everytime someone clicks on your advertisement, you are charged. Another type is traffic exchanges. Most traffic exchanges give you advertising credits in exchange for viewing other marketers ads. Some are completely free, while others charge a fee for premium services not available to free members. E-zine advertising is another type of advertising. This includes classifed and solo ads. Others who have built a large list or base of subscribers to a newsletter often sell advertising space. Classified ads are much like newspaper classifieds. Price is often determined by where they are placed. They are also called top sponsor, middle sponser or bottom sponsor. A solo ad, like the name implies, is sent to the subscriber list all by itself. These can be highly effective when targeted to the right market.

Lastly, they need a system. A system is an organized, established procedure that produces predictable results, no matter who is using it. Most successful internet marketing systems utilize advertising to drive traffic to a website, more specifically to a lead capture page (also known as a squeeze page), which entices the visitor to sign up to your mailing list. This, in turn, is usually connected to an autoresponder loaded with messages designed to build a relationship with the (potential) customer - and of course, make sales, all basically on auto-pilot.

You don't have to re-invent the wheel, create your own tools or even sell every tool to every miner out there. There are plenty of quality, established ones available already that will pay you a commission just for referring the prospect(or)s to them. All you need to do is find a way to supply the modern internet marketers/gold miners with any or all of these tools, and you may be on your way to your own fortune.

Andrew Saari will show you the secret to getting your web hosting provider to send YOU a check each and every month, make money from your domain name and get free advertising for your website. Visit Blog55017
Aleece Blog61723

Link Popularity Algorithms - Know What is Behind Link Building

Make yourself familiar with the backbone of the modern search engine ranking systems -- Link Popularity Algorithms. Link building is a dicey strategy, so read about the link analysis working principles to avoid the risks and get the most from your incoming links.

Links rule the Internet. Links bring traffic, links bring popularity, links bring high ranking, and most importantly -- links bring money. Everyday webmasters, promoters and marketers send out tons of emails asking for links, hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals make their living by link building. But what is behind all this hype? Why in the last five years links became such important factor for the success of an online business?

Everyone knows or at least has heard of PageRank -- the most widely used Link Popularity Algorithm. PageRank has proven itself as a powerful measure to identify important resources in the Web and since 1998 it is the backbone of the most successful search engine -- Instead of traditional information retrieval technique, page content analysis, which was used by the majority of search engines in the late 1990s, PageRank takes the advantage of the interlinked nature of the Web. It was discovered that hypertext link could serve the same purpose as citations in the academic world. The more people cite your document the more important it becomes. The same is true for web pages. The effectiveness of the new approach turned out to be beyond expectations, and shortly afterwards Google has transformed itself from a modest university research project into the biggest search engine and a multi-billion corporation.

The advent of links as a ranking factor has killed the traditional SEO. Page content optimization importance has sunk tremendously while new strategies of website promotion have been brought into the limelight. Link exchange, reciprocal links, link directories, link farms, three-way linking -- all these approaches came into use to answer the search engines shifting to the link ranking algorithms. Sometimes people use these techniques without a clear understanding of what is behind them. Sites get penalized; people waste their time and money -- all because of insufficient knowledge. What is a link popularity algorithm? What algorithms are in use? Which factors are important and what are their weights?

It is impossible to create an effective link building strategy without knowing the answers to these questions. To understand the logic of link analysis algorithms, you have to make yourself familiar with the topic. A great number of research papers on information retrieval are available in the Internet but it would take too much of your time to find and identify which of them are important and relevant. At I collect and summarize the most prominent works on Link Popularity Algorithms as well as on other related topics. Among the recent additions, you will find descriptions of the first link ranking algorithm, InDegree, and later developments, PageRank, HITS, topic sensitive PageRank and Authority Threshold algorithms. In articles discussing the shortcomings of link ranking approach you will find an answer to a question -- why it takes so much time for a new site to get enough link to make its way into the top-ten of search results? Or what are the perspectives of the semantic markup in HTML links? Or what is the optimal balance between website outlook, content and business goals? Knowledge always pays off, knowledge is always a competitive advantage and especially in the Internet – the medium born in college labs. SEO Researcher - A Comprehensive Web Marketing Study

Oleg Ishenko, MCSE, MCDBA, BSc Telecommunication industry business management.Angele Blog94929
Brunhilde Blog1766

An Elaboration of the Basics of Free Website Promotions - Part # 4

An Elaboration of the Basics of Free Website Promotions - Part # 4

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this mini "Free Website Promotions" article series. So far we have covered 8 topics in brief: in Part 1, we reviewed Submitting your websites to Directories, Joining Forums within your niche and Writing a Press Release: in Part 2, we covered Writing Articles and Banner Advertising and in Part 3 we hit on Search Engine Optimization, Classified ads and Creating your own Newsletter.

In Part 4, I will cover Submissions to Search Engines, Trading Links with other sites, Ebay Marketing. And Affiliate Marketing.

Search Engine Submissions - Free Website Promotion # 9

Most people find the information they are looking for on the Internet on what is referred to as a Search Engine. A Search Engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find specific information stored on a computer system, such as the World Wide Web. defines Search Engine Submissions as "A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found". I hope you understand now just why it is so important that you comprehend what it is to do keyword research effectively. I promise that if you ignor keyword selection or just sluff it off, you website will nevr obtain that almighty high page rank unless you are just plain lucky. So, do your research, and then do it again!

One of the misconceptions people have about submitting a website to search engines is that it has to be done in order to rank high in the search engines for a keyword search. Sadly, this is not true at all: the reality is that submitting your website to a search engine has nothing to do with how your site will rank or that it will even be indexed for that matter. Page Ranking revolves around just how well you optimize your website for the search engines. "See Search Engine Optimization in Part 3 of this series for more information"

There are literally only two reasons to submit your website to a search engine. The first would be to introduce an entirely new website to the search engines because the webmaster prefers not to wait for a search engine to spider or discover the site faster. The other reason is to update your website or specific pages in the search engines.

There are two ways to submit your site to search engines: 1. you can submit your home page directly to each search engines submittal page and 2. you can use a sitemap. Oh, and there is a third way, you can hire a Search Engine Submission service to submit your site to all of the major search engines and directories. Personally, it is my belief that hiring it done is a waste of your advertising dollars. Why, well, first you can buy software to do exactly the same thing for a very reasonable price, often times being able to take advantage of a free version. Then submitting your website to thousands of search engines is not productive as you majority of your search results are going to come from the major search engines like Google, Overture, and MSN.

Trade Links With Other Sites - Free Website Promotion # 10

One of the most advantageous means of generating free traffic to your website is to obtain as many back links to your site as you can. A back link is an incoming link to a website or web page. Search engines look at back links as a way to gage the popularity or importance of a website or web page. Back Links are also referred to as incoming links, inbound links, in links, and inward links.

One way to obtain back links for your website is to do a search within your niche and find sites that are similar in focus to your own. Visit the sites and locate a contact email for the webmaster. Then simply send that person an email requesting that they place a link to your website on their site. Many will ask the same thing in return so you may want to go ahead and set up a dedicated page that will house your links out to other websites.

If you do a keyword search about back links you will find that there are a number of neat software programs out there that almost automate this process. I remember one program that searched the web and located specifically websites that had link pages that allowed a free submission. I never picked it up as I was not involved in Internet Marketing at the time.

Ebay Marketing - Free Website Promotion # 11

Although you will say that Ebay isn't free and you would be right, but there are free ways in which you can capitalize on eBay traffic to drive a percentage of that traffic to your website. This can mean some serious extra free traffic if you work at this consistently. For example, when you fill out the eBay sign up form, you will learn that eBay allows you to display an About Me page that is linked from each one of your auctions. Make sure you take advantage of the About Me page and use it to promote yourself and your business. Ebay will allow you to put your website link on this page and you can have people join your email list from there too. Be careful: read the Terms of Service as you do not want to violate eBay's TOS and get banned from using the site.

Another nifty method of driving Ebay traffic to your website can happen when delivering your product, especially if it is a digital product. Simply plug the customer into your buying process. Offer them a back end product that compliments the product they bought from you. It does nto matter whether it is an upsell or not, the important thing is that you are able to make another presentation automatically to your customer. Remember, the best time to sell an prospect is right after they have already made a buy from you: that proves that they are in a buying frame of mind. Strike while the iron is hot!

Affiliate Marketing - Free Website Promotion # 12

I know, so how is Affiliate Marketing free your asking me right now aren't you? Well, passively is my answer. This does require that you have a website. Select the affiliate products you wish to promote and put up squeeze page on your website for each. Optimize each squeeze page to rank high in the search engines so you will drive organic traffic to your site from proper optimization. This is one of those systems that you set up once and then forget it. It works automatically.

Set up as many affiliate pages on your website as you want to. The real key objective here is to take advantage of free organic search engine traffic. Don't expect this to work overnight: it will take some time to get high page ranks on the search engines, but once you accomplish this, you will be amazed at how much additional traffic you will get to your sales pages. And you know what they say: high traffic=buying customers=big$$$$$.

Jimmy Oakley-Author-2007- Jimmy Oakley is an Internet Marketer that markets many of the most sought after Advance Email Marketing and Internet Marketing Courses online: the courses he markets are continuosly updated and never outdated. Learn the right ways of marketing on the Internet at the most acceptable prices you will find! Visit his Grand Slam Special Event now! and learn Advanced Email Marketing methods and Internet Marketing techniques found nowhere else.Catlee Blog30211
Ariana Blog67968

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