Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Year 2037 and the Internet

A few days ago I was surfing the Internet doing some relevant research work for the newsletter. As I clicked through endless website pages that seemed alike, I had to constantly look up at the website address bar to make sure I was not stuck on the same site. Seeking relevant information to post-up for our subscribers, I felt somewhat bored and dissatisfied. Everything appeared and seemed the same. Nothing was new or exciting. At that point I glanced at my wall calendar and looked at the year, it read 2006.

The next day, I recalled my frustrated journey online involving searching for information. I realized that my psyche was not happy with the framework of the World Wide Web.

I sat at my desk and paused awhile, I allowed my mind to drift off thinking about super-nerds, geeks, computer techs, computer engineers, software designers, and the movers and shakers of the Internet world. What were they doing today?

The scene that came directly to my mind was a selective team of Hi-tech yuppies, maybe about twenty-five of them. They had just sat down at a round cherry inlaid conference table. The wooden table was huge, water glasses and a yellow pad of paper was at each seat.

The atmosphere was relaxed and causal. One interesting fact that stood out was the look on each of their faces. Their faces reflected their definite determination.

This was an arranged rendezvous of the Super-Masterminds of the World Wide Web. Their Agenda- Take it to the next level, It's time.

Finally a door opened, a young man about thirty two years old entered the meeting room. The man was well dressed in an expensive suit, and portraying a let's get it done attitude.

Everyone sitting at the wooden table began to pick up their pens and started writing something down on those yellow pads.

What were they writing down?

-The Year 2037-

In the year 2037 the World Wide Web has become a new favorable experience.

First, computers as we understood them are now called "C-Pods". A C-Pod does not even come close to resembling your old desktop monster.

C-Pods have a shape of being 1/4 inch thick, 8 inches wide, and 14 inches long. The top surface is somewhat transparent plastic material, supported by four 1/4 inch round titanium legs, being 3 inches long. The C-Pod looks like a coffee table for mice.

The plastic like top surface has been engineered to replace all the circuit boards, hard drives, memory chips, DVD players and power drives which we once became familiar with.

Inside the 1/4 inch thick plastic is where your computer now resides. Inside is the complex core of the system where the Meta Drives are stored.

A Meta Drive is a device that uses Meta Materials. Meta Materials are objects that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of.

The Meta drives work in conjunction with electromagnetic waves combined with photon crystals (a subatomic particle that is a quantum of electromagnetic energy, including light). The two systematically will be linked with each other and will substantially improve computing strength and stealth.

Data will be stored inside encrypted air packets and transmitted via electromagnetic wave beams.

Transmission of electronic data from one computer to another will be direct, no networking hubs to deal with. To make this materialize; beam steerers will be applied in an advanced system to utilize RF frequency modulation to deliver the data, no hard wires whatsoever. The Transmission rates of master data will become immediate and secure.

Hackers will be out of business. All datas transmitted will be stored in sealed encrypted air packets, and transmitted by electromagnetic waves, then trapped by end users. C-Pod encrypted receivers will only be authorized to acquire air packets at their authorized docker platforms.

Software will also advance to new levels. The new C-Pod technology has brought new challenges to Software masterminds. All data must travel at the speed of light and faster. Software will be stored in Nano chips and will utilize Meta material and advanced laser technology to travel from Meta drives to Pod Dockers. All software will be user encrypted to be only received and viewed by authorized receivers and Dockers. Software programs will be trimmed of all fat to deliver the ultimate performance and reliability.

Software programs will contain complete user friendly support. Concierge assistants will be an integral part of the Software Pod. There will be no need to source help from outside representatives because the software Pod Concierge will be present to directly answer all your how-to relevant inquiries, plus dutifully explain every significant function of the software to assure the end user renders the absolute best results from their software acquisition.

Software companies now will have to meet a rating level of 900 stars out of a possible 1000 stars to even be considered as a respectful representative of software. The competition will become intense amongst this field. Customer satisfaction will become the number one priority to stay afloat.

C-Pods will contain Docker home workstations. Dockers receive and transmit air packets of master data from server docker stations from through-out the world. All Dockers will store Meta materials and become proprietary to that system.

All C-Pods will give first class priority to interactivity by users. Interactivity will become instant, and will not breakup, or cause interruptions in transmissions.

Gaming, video, and data will all be viewed in a Helio format. Helio is the technology of projecting images within a column of air. Columns of air are projected 18 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Viewing resolutions will exceed 12,500 dots per inch. All presentations will be in full 3-D format. No head visors or glasses will be needed to experience breath taking programming.

Helio technology is now the ultimate experience. The Helio column of air will be suspended above your C-Pod 4 inches. No wires, plugs, or cables will be attached. Air packets will also be used to transmit electromagnetic waves from your C-Pod to the Helio receiver projector. These waves will also be encrypted with user identifications to secure the system from tampering or hacking.

Helio systems will additionally provide the system user a projected keyboard to any location within a 8 foot range from the C-Pod. The keyboard is also a projected light image in which colors, themes, lights, keypad style, location, and touch feel can be programmed to the users likings. Here again, the Helio keyboard projector will contain a docker which can be upgraded to add calculators, ultra sound wave players, and all your servant commands.

The servant command section of the keyboard is where you will launch, upgrade, change, delete, survey, and command your docker station, surfboards, fetch pads, and your concierge services.

All businesses will be using Helio 360 degree conference viewing theaters. Helio card readers can be transmitted to any worldwide C-Pod docker station. With encrypted authentication contained within air packets, stealth security is never a problem. Deals and formal contracts will instantly be closed with secured Helio touch pads using defense type coding systems.

Cobra air packets will have the highest secret coding system ever developed for civilian use. The Cobra air packet system will essentially combine with the Meta materials program. As we discussed earlier, Meta materials. (Meta Materials are entities that gain their electromagnetic material properties from their structure rather than inheriting them directly from the materials that they are composed of). If any of these assigned structures are tampered with or invaded without Cobra screening approvals, the invader of the air packet will be disclosed. Within a Nano second of the security violation, Cobra with send out an electro-magnetic defense wave, and immediately nullify the invaders C-Pod transmitter.

Surfboards will become an essential part of your Docker system. Surfboards will provide you with the means to browse the Internet. All Surfboards will store user ID cards containing encrypted data and user information. The ID cards are called PIC's (personal identity coders). This is the location that will store all pertinent data regarding the user and their preferences.

Fetch Pad Dockers, will become the cutting edge when it comes to searching for pertinent data. Fetch Pads are programmed by the user to retrieve the most relevant data available that best matches your request.

When programmed, the Fetch Pad searches all possible sources for the data available on the Internet that the user has requested. Fetch Pads will contain their own algorithm systems installed that can be programmed by the user. No second party interference, biases, or advertisements will be involved or allowed.

Concierge Dockers. This Docker will become your personal Internet servant. Your personal requests can be preloaded at your convenience and upgraded at any time.

Concierge Dockers will constantly be searching the Internet seeking all pertinent and relevant information that meets your desires and demands that you have submitted. The data that the docker had obtained during missions will be stored in libraries that are contained in your Meta drives for instant access.

The Concierge Docker also contains an invaluable program called the Mentor. Yes, this is your personal mentor that is built-in to your C-Pod. The Mentor, through an algorithm software program will be able to decipher all external data plus compare the demands and traits that are contained by the user.

The Mentor will guide, assist, educate, evaluate, decide, and conclude the best paths for you to take to accomplish your goals.

Similar to today's matchmaker website's, the Mentor will also use the most sophisticated programs to match one's intelligence level, desirability to succeed, persistence of user, and the current competitive environment surrounding the user final goal.

The Mentor with each Docker will also provide PAQ's (personal achievement qualifiers) to the individual user status and transmitting Docker. The PAQ's are the most important factor to one's credibility on the Internet.

PAQ's ratings are attached to every air packet of data that will be transmitted over the Internet. PAQ's will internally assign a star rating to each user. The highest rating will be 500 stars.

Rating stars will be determined by Universal Internet Laws. The criteria to determine your ratings will mainly consist of the user's credibility, performance to achievements, personal goals (business, pleasure, or education), and usage (public or private).

Contained within every Docker will also reside a Meta Materials Operations Manager (MOM).

MOM's will become the fiduciary task force that will govern all Internet operations.

All PAQ's will contain fully encrypted ratings, credentials, authenticity certificates, and user ID's. MOM's will screen PAQ's to select right of passage, and also provide proper directions to final C-Pod Dockers.

Webmaster will now become certified by the Universal Internet Commission. The Commission will educate and supervise all webmaster to properly construct website to accept C-Pod acceptance dockers and receivers. All webmasters will also receive ratings for their ability to properly manage their website according to Universal Internet Laws.

Website star ratings will consist of a 1000 star program, 1000 being the best rating. Here again, credibility will reign supreme.

Search engines and keywords will become a thing of the past. A web site's star rating will determine the best data available for the request by the user. Relevance will only be compared to the user's PIC's (personal identifier coder). Relevance will not have any reflections on keywords, for they have now become useless.

The credibility and reliability will be the main focus of each and every website, thus promoting their website's star ratings.

Websites will become respected as an authoritarian of information and data that will be supplied to the utmost quality. Relevance will also reside within every website and be constantly updated to serve demanding user cravings for cutting edge knowledge.

Visitors to each website will also be able to cast votes on the overall credibility and relevance of the site that have visited. These votes will become paramount. These votes will add credibility to the website's Star ratings.

The Universal Internet Commission (UIC) will not allow any website to transmit without acceptable Star rating certification. Start-up sites will have to participate in an apprentice type program, and will be rated either as commercial or professional use after certification.

The apprentice duration will allow upstart website's to accumulate stars in a given period of time set forth by the commission. If the upstart website can not reach a minimum rating of 400 stars, the site will be given two more chances to qualify. If the site fails to qualify after three attempts, the site can only receive a rating of personal usage, and will not be able to transmit commercial business data.

Personal use website's will have a much lower rating of only 100 stars. Qualifying will also be much easier. Personal website ratings will be limited to a non-business application. Data can be transferred and received, but not for the use of any type of business means.

Qualifying Commercial websites will receive UIC certification along with PAQ Dockers. These Dockers are encrypted to recieve all inbound PAQ's. Without a PAQ Docker, a website will not be able to receive any inbound air packets.

The Internet has now become the ultimate experience. The super-masterminds of the Internet world have pulled all the tricks out of their bags. They have provided us with the Roller coaster ride we have all been waiting for.

New developments in technology, credibility, and superior relevance to data have reached extreme levels of fulfillment for all.

These turns in events will become a new page in the history books of forward thinking. There will be new hero's to admire for their perseverance to foresee the future with their just get it done attitudes.

To close my journey to the year 2037, I've selected a new headline for my next newsletter; - Forget the new I-Pod with 200mb of storage, Just move your calendar to the year 2037 and log-on to the Ultimate Experience of the World Wide Web.

Roy King, is the editor for Ecom Newspaper which is dedicated to provide Ecommerce news, information, and articles of interest for home-based internet businesses. Tips, Tricks, Techniques, and Secrets are revealed by the guru's of the ecommerce world within our online newspaper. Stop by and visit us at: Have a Great E-Commerce Day.... Roy King Allison Blog68240
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